Friday, 28 November 2014


I am going to roughly give you, 26 reasons why men cheat. Below are 26 reasons why men cheat, some men may cheat for more than one of these reasons.

1. The society has given men the license to cheat.
When a man cheats, the woman gets blamed one way or the other. You hear things like, she snatched my husband. The question is, Is this your husband a child that will follow anyone for candy?. He left because he chose to, he cheated because he chose to. When a man cheats, the woman he cheated on is blamed and she's called a whore. Abeg what about the man?. We men have been given the license to cheat knowing the women would be blamed for it and we use our license as we please.

2. He wants to end the relationship.
When a man is tired of his relationship, but can't man up to tell his woman, he results to cheating. what is called an “exit affair". knowing that if you catch him cheating, you’ll definately leave him or kick him out and he could care less.

3. To boost his ego
Infidelity is an ego boost for a man with low self esteem–especially if he’s less successful or earns less money than he thinks he should. Sleeping with other women become an ego booster.

4. Opportunistic sex
He was presented with an opportunity to cheat without the fear of getting caught, so he took advantage of the situation. This is common amongst, men that travel alot or spends a considerable amount of time away from wife and family.

5. He views it as a status symbol.
When the money starts rolling in, we consider it a status symbol to be able to afford a mistress. We view it as one of the trappings of success.

6. Sex addiction
Probably the only reason on this list that can halfway be excused because true sex addiction is a medical condition in which the cheater really can’t help himself. If he’s truly a sex addict, he needs to get professional help. But true sex addiction is not as common as men would have you believe.

7. He Already Knows You
There's something really nice about getting comfortable around each other —guys think so too. But with that familiarity, he loses some of his intense desire. You see! what is mysterious is sexy, and nothing is more
mysterious than the unknown. In this case what is the unknown? What other beautiful women look like when naked, and that is what the mind of the man wonders. So he instinctively put aside his woman for a while due to familiarity, and heads for the unknown (how other beautiful taste like).

8. Influence of drugs or alcohol
A great deal of infidelity (especially one night stands) can be attributed to the influence of drugs or alcohol, which can lower inhibitions, and impair good judgment, resulting in behavior the cheater may later regret.

9. Peer Pressure.
He spends a lot of time in the company of friends and co-workers who cheat. Whe his workmates, or close friends are cheating on their mates, the act is embedded in his subconscious and with time he succumbs to peer pressure and cheats to be part of the crowd. He may later regret but the deed has been done.

10. Poor role models.
If his father, uncles, or other male role models cheated, he may be subconsciously programmed to follow this example, and consider infidelity to be the norm – especially if the female rolemodels in his life tolerated the infidelity.

11. Inability to say no.
In the court of men of the present century, saying no to sex offered with no strings attached, especially from a sexy and attractive woman is a crime, and telling your male friends is the same thing as been hanged. As a man, allowing free no strings attached sex pass by hunts us for a very long time, especially if she is a beautiful woman.

12. Because you let him-
He cheated on you before and you let him get away with it.

13. Emotional dissatisfaction
So much for the myth that for men, cheating is all about sex: "Our culture tells us that all men need to be happy is sex," But men are emotionally driven beings too. They want their partners to show them that they're appreciated, and they want women to understand how hard they're trying to get things right." The problem is that men are less likely than women to express these feelings, so you won't always know when your guy is in need of a little affirmation. "Most men consider it unmanly to ask for a pat on the back, which is why their emotional needs are often overlooked. In this case, when a man gets a little emotional satisfaction from elsewhere, cheating is inevitable.

14. Because he knows he can get away with it. (Past)
He tried cheating before and she didn’t find out, so he’s confident he can always do it again.

15. He figures you’ll never find out. (Present)
He thinks you’re too stupid, too naïve, too busy, too in love, too trusting to find out, or even suspect that he’s having an affair.

16. To prove his manhood.
Men love to dominate and feel in control, so we instinctly think that the more women we have sex with, the more manly we are so therefore cheating becomes a macho thing to do.

17. He’s a player.
These bunch may never stop, He’s a hardcore cheater for whom cheating is a way of life. He likes having lots of women and pitting one against the other. To him, it’s a game he must play.

18. A Sense Of Entitlement.
Many men feel they’re so rich, famous, handsome, sexy, charming or whatsoever and, that they are too much of a hot cake not to cheat, because of who they are and what they have. This sense of entitlement ( i be hot cake, i must cheat), is common amongst good looking musicians, sportsmen and politicians.

19. He knows you’ll put up with his cheating.
Some men cheat because they know their partner will look the other way - as long as they’re discreet, keep their infidelity low key, and avoid publicly embarrassing them. The act of looking away when cheating occurs is practised mostly by wives of religious leaders, politicians, business tycoons and traditional rulers.

20. You have no where to go.
He knows without him you have nothing especially when you've quit your job and boycotted a lot of things even family and friends just to be with him. So since you depend on him a whole lot, he believes he can do as he pleases. cheating in this case might be inevitable.

21. To participate in certain sex acts.
Some men cheat to fulfill their sexual desires which they have heard, seen and fantasized about for years. Most of the time, these sexual acts which might be really crazy or totally bizzare or both, cannot be performed by their wives or girlfriends. When we eventually find ways to fulfill our desire we somewhat die on top the matter.

22. Love.
Some men cheat because they’re really in love with the other woman. It may have started from friendship or joke, or an innocent friendship that became an emotional affair, which eventually progress to sexual infidelity.

23. He knows you’ll always take him back.
He cheated before and you didn’t hesitate to take him back without making him go through any changes or holding him accountable for his behavior.

24. Revenge.
Though revenge cheating is more with women than with men, sometimes a man will
cheat to get back at a wife or girlfriend who cheated on him.

25. He wants you to be jealous.
Contrary to some beliefs, men as much as women demand love and attention, Some men may feel their woman ain't giving them enough of this, and may result to cheating to prove to her they can be wanted and appreciated by other women.

26. They started as friends but got too close. This basically starts in workplace, regular gatherings (meetings, programs, church services). Its starts safe and simple, with good intentions. Then later grows to full blown relationship. This has been known to generally lead to divorce of the present wife.


  1. 22.. is true indeed, ride on ringworm, keeping saying the truth

  2. I really love this article nd as a man I must say u ar quite correct

  3. Dem take cheating swear for men


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