Sunday, 23 November 2014

Mystery sunday; Top Ten mysterious stories that fascinated us throughout the years

Lady koi koi aka Mrs koikoi
Wearing only one shoe(right leg to be precise), she roams the corridors and hallways of schools, her bloodshot eyes and bloody mouth can make you freeze out of sheer terror. And as her name implies, she is dressed as a lady ready for an outting, possibly a ball room affair. Some say she is looking for the second pair of her shoe while others say she is looking for her ghost husband. The story of the lady with one shoe( lady koi-koi) circulated well in the 90's amongst children in boarding schools, a considerable number of them claimed they've either seen her face to face, while a larger amount claim to have heard the horrifying sounds made from her footstep( koi koi koi) hence the name lady koi-koi. Word also has it that she attacks anyone that sees her roaming on the head with her shoe, others say with her bare hands. The story was so common almost children, they could give convincing details of the much dreaded lady koi-koi. If this ghost lady was real we cant exactly tell but looking into the eyes of the children when they speak about her we see fear and anxiety.

The baby of the bush( bush babies):
They are babies that roam the forest looking like little men and holding mats in their hands. Anyone that can steal this mat and stay indoors for seven days straight without stepping out will be stinkingly wealthy. But be careful not to fall for their piteous cries and step out to return the mat for verily you will your meet your doom. I must confess, the mysteries surrounding the babies of the bush was somewhat the most fascinating because to an extent everyone and anyone that spoke about it, seemed to be saying almost the same thing and it somehow became the truth to most of us. Stories of the bush babies were rampant in the 90's mostly amongst people in the rural areas. But the so called bush babies ain't any of these, it is actually an animal called Galago known for being very vocal and camera shy because only few pictures and videos of it are present compared to most animals, and lest I forget one of the scariest creature you may ever see.

Clifford orji
Hearing that name, you would be expecting a man in suit and tie to emerge but how wrong can you be. Clifford before his arrest in 1999 lived under the bridge at Toyota bus Along apapa-oshodi expressway in Lagos, he had a taste for human flesh which he would roast and then consume. Some say he was a mentally unstable man while others said he was a ritualist pretending to be mad so he can carry out his flesh eating rituals, sure thing was that the name Clifford orji sent chills down our spines. When he was arrested, things found in his possession were most shocking, in his possession were, women underwears, a cheque of 88,000 Naira, bones and of course fresh and roast human flesh. The roast flesh was eaten half way at the point of his apprehension, Clifford was so popular he had his own song which most lagosians know till now, his arrest was widely celebrated by many. in august of 2012, Clifford orji died in prison after 13 years behind bars at the age of 46.

Egg hunt.
They are after your children initiating them into their covens and taking your kids to worlds beyond our world, witches and wizards of the air(sylphs), land and water(marine spirits) have their agents in the schools of your children and none except the ones strong in Christ are safe from them. Witchcraft and sorcery are passed down generations, parent to child and they posses the ability to harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world, but it doesnt just end there they need more members. Stories like this went viral in 1999 courtesy of the movie AFTER SCHOOL HOURS, in the movie, a young witch played by( name withheld ) initiated her fellow school mates into her coven with eggs, yes! boiled eggs. She offers them orphic eggs during break time, which when eaten meant automatic initiation, at exactly 12 midnight she pays them a visit officially inviting their souls to the evil realm. The role was played so well by the young girl so much that, the first thing parents tell their children before school was not to take anything especially eggs from their class mates nor from anyone else, even amongst pupils you dare not collect eggs nor give eggs for any reason whatsoever.

The dissapearing stream.
The stream which is/was located in Nachi community in udi local government area of enugu state first appeared/dissappeared in 1972 and was said to have been discovered by a fulani herdsman. The stories surrounding this body of water are somewhat riveting, some believe in it's healing powers while some don't and may never do. Within the little period the body of water stayed, there were testimonies of healings of various kinds from cripples walking again to cure of various illnesses and diseases, also as it comes with its good so is present its bad, the spring has been reported to have killed at least five people within its short visit. When the word stream is mentioned two things come to mind, its source and direction of flow. The miracle stream as it is so called has no direction of flow nor any visible source, as it mysteriously comes so does it mysteriously goes, so there might be scientific explanations for the appearance and dissapearance of this stream. it could possibly be underground water (spring water) which flows to the surface once in a while, so the mystery body of water is more of a spring than a stream. Spring water in general has been known to, if i may put it, posses healing powers and health benefits, soaking yourself in it for curative purposes was called mineral cure and this brought about the phrase 'taking a cure'. According to Wikipedia, places present with this body of water visited by people for healing purposes are called spa towns. Example of spa towns people visit for healing include;  Bela Bela(South Africa), Araxá(Brazil), Warm Springs(United states), puertecitos(mexico) to name a few.

The missing school girls.
Considered to be the biggest mystery of 2014 by free-thinking Nigerians are the events that went down between 14-15 of April till today concerning the abduction of our girls. the night of 14 April 2014, in the town of chibok borno state, secondary school girls of over 200 were abducted by terrorist but that is not what made these incident mysterious because amongst men, abduction is no new thing.
What made the disappearance of the chibok girls mysterious are the events linked to it:

• The fact that the Nigerian army got four hours notice/warning of the intended abduction, this     speculation was made by amnesty international but was later confirmed by the Nigerian army and the excuse for not taking action was that the forces were overextended and were unable to regroup. Mysterious!

• On the 19-20 of April the military released a statement stating that 100 of the 129 girls have been released which was totally false. Mysterious!
• Due to so many fake news and stories no one has been able to say the exact number of girls that were initially abducted. So many numbers have been given out, we don't know what to believe.
       Nigerian army------129
       Other reports-------329       
• The fact that on the 5 of may 2014, the first lady called for a meeting in which about 80 percent of the people specially invited did not show up even though its a national issue (dissapearance of over 200 Nigeria girls). These people hold knowledge on how the kidnapping went down.
Invited persons include: any two teachers from the school that were on duty, two teachers from waec to verify they conducted the exam and the very first lady of borno state, Hajiyah Nana Shettima to name a few. But none showed up for reasons best known to them. But this is not the bizzare part, the bizzare part been the fact that all what the people of Nigeria could get from that was;

       Principal, nah only you waka come?.
       There is God oh.
       The blood they are sharing in borno.
       There is God oh.

 To be continued...............................


  1. Mysterious indeed.. Secondary school days of fear for bush baby and madam koi koi

  2. hehehe in the secondary school i attended, na the mrs koi koi da fear us o....Nice one Ringworm

  3. So name so bush baby dey? So small. Where the mat?.....lmfao

  4. Oh ringworm you just made me remember so many stupid old school stuff.

  5. Thanks so much guys but this is just the beginning. We are going to see more bizzare and outrageous events both form history and present. Ringworm say so

  6. Hilarious! memory lane

  7. stories will always be stories.....


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